About TCS
This section provides a variety of information about TrueChampionSports.com. This section serves the purpose of introducing True Champion Sports, and its creator Justin Chiodo, to the sports community.
If you wish to contact TCS we can be emailed at: contact@truechampionsports.net
1. Introducing True Champion Sports
- A general description of what TCS is all about
- Describing in brief Justin Chiodo’s “Historical Franchise Performance Algorithm”
2. The True Champion Sports Story: Inspirations & Beginnings
- A short story touching on the experiences that lead to Justin Chiodo’s passion for ‘Big Picture Analytics’; and his creation of True Champion Sports
- A little background about how and why TCS was born
- Touching on the connection between Fantasy Sports and TCS
3. Mission, Principles, & Ambitions
- True Champion’s mission statement
- Guiding values & principles
- Touching on TCS’ ambitions and what to expect from TCS in the coming months/years
4. About Justin Chiodo
- A brief autobiographical piece about the creator and founder of True Champion Sports
- Touching on his life as it relates to sports, academics, and the creation of TCS
5. True Champion Sports Terminology
- Educating fans on various abbreviations TCS uses on our Team Pages
- Describing other franchise performance concepts that are unique to TCS
6. Current Accuracy of TCS Points
- Explaining the massive challenge that lies ahead for TCS to accurately program all of the scoring models involved in the Franchise Performance Algorithm
- Franchise Points on the Team Pages are not yet able to be 100% accurate to JMC’s Algorithm
7. I Need Your Help!
- Asking for kick-starter-style financial contributions to help secure TCS’ online presence
- TCS needs money in order to fund the development of Justin Chiodo’s projects and overall web-resource vision
8. Acknowledgements
- Giving credit, recognition, and sincere thanks to the various web-resources I have used for my research over the past 4+ years in creating TCS
9. Legal Disclaimer
- All logos displayed on our site are owned by their respective teams, leagues, and ownership groups
- Intellectual property info pertaining to JMC’s ‘Historical Franchise Performance Algorithm’